Thursday, April 8, 2010
Things Come First
The Gift of Family
Why the Comparisons?
Material Life
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The "What if " Questions
I completely agree with you and your father and you guy’s strong belief in relationships and not in material items. Marji deep down inside was a strong believer in not becoming attached to material items. Her father on the other hand is very attached to his possessions and this is what causes him to stay in Iran and not leave and go to the United States where he would be safe. He responds to his wife asking her if she wanted to be a maid. Marji’s father clearly exemplifies with this statement that he is too focused on material items when he should be focused on saving the lives of his family. I think Marji recognizes this and tries to become a polar opposite and not base her life around possessions but base it off of experiences and relationships. Memories are made up of situations and experiences and not of possessions therefore, possessions shouldn’t be a huge part of any human’s life. Possessions only makes the craving worse for more and more until you cant even enjoy life. In the end, people everywhere need to stop thinking about items and just enjoy life by having good experiences to remember.
Bryan Tonti is Wrong
Of course there is no right or wrong answers on "What if" questions, but I disagree with Bryan's answer. He says,"I believe the only effect the decision [of Reza Shah on which side to ally with] would have on history would be the revolution starting a little sooner."
I believe that there would not only be one effect, but many. First of all, since the revolution would start sooner as Bryan said, the war against Iraq would have started sooner too. Saddam was waiting for Iran to become weak in order to attack and conquer it. A earlier revolution means a earlier weakening of Iran, and a earlier weakening means Saddam attacking Iran earlier. Also, Iran and the Allied Powers would have created a war alliance. With the war alliance, the Allied Powers would be forced to help Iran fight against Iraq.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Spoiled Rotten?
I have always been told to appreciate all the things I am able to have in life: family, friends, education, a home, peace and even vegetables... XP My dad always stresses the importance of keeping materials (money, electronics, huge empty mansions etc.) away from the mind as much as possible because in the end all they do not matter or have no true value. "Having the biggest mansion or the smallest apartment does not matter if flames can easily take it away. Why should the poor man complain about empty pockets and the rich man brag and hunger for more wealth if it can all be easily taken away. The rich man is left with empty pockets and the poor man is left where he was to begin with. No point in complaining or overfeeding one's materialistic desires if what you overflow in material is never lasting", my dad states this many times that I can recite it from memory with no hesitation. But as much as I get bored of hearing this sermon, I can't deny the truth it holds. After reading Marjane Satrapi's memoir of her childhood during the revolution and war in Iran, my dad's words came back to me. I was reminded how lucky I am to be growing up away from the violence, destruction and fear of war. One's experiences in life shapes the person whom we grow up to become. What experience do you think has made you the person you are today? Has this memoir made you realize or remind you about appreciation in any way?
Growing up in America v. Iran
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Styles of the Panels
Andrew asks many interesting questions, but the one that stood out to me was "What if Reza Shah accepted the requests of the Allied Powers and joined their side, would Iran have had more opportunities and more freedom?" It’s true that this question fits the "What if" question category along with the other questions Andrew asked. I believe that Iran would have had a revolution regardless of what the Reza Shah had decided. If he had agreed to form an allegiance with the allies, the allies would have asked for oil then or later on. I believe the only effect the decision would have on history would be the revolution starting a little sooner. Even if the Reza Shah had agreed to form the allegiance with the Allied Powers, Iran could have been invaded by Germany causing the same outcome as the first decision.
Marjane Satrapi conveys her strong messages by her different styles of drawing. Almost every panel has a unique quality such as detail of emotion, size of the panel, the ratio of one character to another character, lighting, and other qualities that help express her ideas. What qualities or styles stood out to you the most and why? Is their a specific page or panel that stood out to you the most? Explain. I think Satrapi’s torture panels are vulgar, violent, and disheartening, but successfully portray how horrible it was to be tortured during the revolution.