Thursday, September 10, 2009


Lord of the Flies by William Golding, brings many issues to question. We can see these issues though in our own lives around us. Everyday we go to school and we all see the same thing happening, cliques are forming and leaders are being made. We may not realize it but it is happening. The same thing happened in Lord of the Flies, the boys became split up and leaders were made. In almost anywhere in society there is a leader. You see it with the government, clubs, sports, work and so much more. Having a leader is just natural for us as it was for the boys on the island. One of the first things the boys did on the island was decide a leader. They thought with Ralph as a leader things would get done and decisions would be made, but that wasn't necessarily the case. The boys all wanted different things and couldn't even decide on what to do. This soon lead to the group being separated into two groups, the boys who wanted Ralph as their leaders and the ones who wanted Jack. We see this same idea in our own government when it comes to republicans and democrats. At school there is the same group segregation, some people like one person and others like another causing people to go their separate ways. Many times you will even see trouble between two groups just like there was for the boys in Lord of the Flies. Either way we all have different ideas on what we think is right and who we agree with.

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