Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Ignorance Really Bliss??

The world we live in overwhelms us instance gratification and immediate facts. We get instant texts, email, sports scores right in the palm of our hand. People today have very little time to think about what there future may hold because our future is now. Our lives are constantly bombarded by information and other people. I like having instant information because I have grown up with it. My mom didn't grow up with this kind of fast pace life so she doesn't like to constantly know what is going on around the world or what someone's facebook status is. This begs the question: Is ignorance really bliss? My mom thinks ignorance is bliss when the ignorance is from the daily information and instant gratification. She always says to me, "the best things you get are the ones you wait on most." I think this is very wise and something we often overlook. The story of Gilgamesh bring the question of "Is ignorance really bliss?" into focus. Gilgamesh is so fearful of dying, he seeks immortality. We, like Gilgamesh don't know when we are going to die and I think this is good. I don't want to know when I am going to die. I try to live everyday to the fullest and I am ignorant and not fearful about when I am going to die. My personal opinion is that ignorance is truly bliss but others may not agree. We live in a world where we don't have time to be fearful about what the next moment or day may bring; we have to react with whatever is thrown our way and respond accordingly.

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