Monday, January 11, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Make Up Your Minds!!!
One consistent legal age should be applied to all liberties granted to US citizens. The drinking age is currently 21 in America because our brains have not finished fully developing. This is a logical reason, why should people be allowed to cause damage to themselves and others? But then why is the legal driving age 16? Struggling to adapt to an adult word, the teenage focus is on almost everything but being good, safe drivers. People are not allowed to drink alcohol until the age of 21 because their brains have not finished developing-but sure, stick us behind the wheel of a car. Let us endanger ourselves and countless others-good plan! Our soldiers risk their lives everyday to protect our freedoms and liberties, yet those under the age of 18 have absolutely no say in t the men that are sending them to foreign lands. These brave men and women have virtually the most strenuous and emotionally trying responsibility in the world, and they can’t have a drink at the end of the day? The government says they are legally mature enough to risk their lives for our sake but not mature enough to decide what they put into their bodies? In college, some students are always going to drink-no matter what laws are placed against them, its a part of dealing with the insane pressures of trying to find who they are. So what becomes of them when they are thrown out of school? All those years of working hard to achieve their high school education and then be one of the decreasing few who go on to college, wasted-after one mistake? The government needs to decide what age they think is responsible and mature enough to be adults, and not decide you are an adult at different ages depending on the subject. Whether the legal age is 50 or 18, a consistent level of maturity should be decided and applied to all aspects of the United States government.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Super Ego Provales
How the Grinch Almost Stole My Christmas
Whatever Get's me There
The Id or the Ego
The Action Figure
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
angle and devil on one shoulder
Dealing with my Id
Tom and Jerry with the id, ego, and super-ego
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Id-ly Rosa, Ego-ly Maga & Super-Carmen -____-
It was not till three days before Christmas in my grandma's house that Rosa, my wild and crazy aunt asked me what I really wanted for Christmas. I was sitting on the floor playing with my little cousin, Abdell and looked up to see four pairs of eyes eagerly waiting for my response. My cousin Aly and my three aunts: Rosa, Maga and Carmen sat on the couch and asked again what I really wanted for X-mas. I told them about my secret item on my wish-list and awaited their response. Aly's "AWESOME!" gave me a sense of relief but yet again she is only 12. Rosa, the free-spirited-crazy one said that was cool and asked to come along when I went to get then done. Maga, my fun but rule-follower aunt, replied "that is a nice wish but surely you will wait till you are of age and free to do as you wish" but she hesitated before giving me a smile. Carmen, my scary (atleast to me) strict aunt just frowned. Her expression was clearly of disapproval and disgust. She quickly and hotly disputed that one should not pierce anymore holes into their body. Carmen didn't like to see people with tattoos or piercings unless it's in the ears and on a girl, not on guys. She said that I shouldn't ever get any piercings and tattoos. Her comments kinda of brought me down in the dumps. Rosa argued that I should go through with it, and it is my body and I can do to it whatever I wanted to. (Rosa was always the rebel when growing up among my mom and the rest of her brothers and sisters.) Maga said that if I really wanted them (which I do) then I should atleast wait till I am of age then go through with it without troubling anyone since I will be 18 and an adult. Carmen still mumbled totally against it. The tension was suffocating me and I decided to tell them, "I am only kidding you guys!". Everyone just looked at me and then at eachother then we all bursted out laughing....nervously. We dropped the subject and moved on to teasing Aly about the neighbor boy who likes her. But I still hold it as a deep desire I really want and soon time will tell if I am to fulfill it.
This little scenario between me and my aunts reminded me of Freud's theory of the Id, the Ego and the Super-Ego. According to Freud the Id is our unconscious impulse to satisfy all our pleasures and desires. The concept of the Id sorta reminds me of my aunt Rosa who, as a teenager, was always the rebel and did whatever she pleased. The Super-Ego is the complete opposite of the Id. The Super Ego is strict and is our "inner parent". It does not allow the Id to do as it wishes almost like my strict and anti-piercing aunt Carmen. Maga reminds me of the mediator, the Ego because the ego is tries to please both the Id and the Super Ego. While the Ego sometimes gives into the Id, it will only do so if no harm is done to anyone. Maga's comment on approving my wish to get the piercings proves that she agrees with Rosa but she also states that I should wait until I am 18 to somewhat satisfy Carmen. It's funny because Freud theorizes that these 3 components: the Id, the Ego and the Super-Ego are always in a constant arguement against one another but they need eachother to sustain stability and balance, almost like my aunts!