Friday, January 8, 2010

Make Up Your Minds!!!

One consistent legal age should be applied to all liberties granted to US citizens. The drinking age is currently 21 in America because our brains have not finished fully developing. This is a logical reason, why should people be allowed to cause damage to themselves and others? But then why is the legal driving age 16? Struggling to adapt to an adult word, the teenage focus is on almost everything but being good, safe drivers. People are not allowed to drink alcohol until the age of 21 because their brains have not finished developing-but sure, stick us behind the wheel of a car. Let us endanger ourselves and countless others-good plan! Our soldiers risk their lives everyday to protect our freedoms and liberties, yet those under the age of 18 have absolutely no say in t the men that are sending them to foreign lands. These brave men and women have virtually the most strenuous and emotionally trying responsibility in the world, and they can’t have a drink at the end of the day? The government says they are legally mature enough to risk their lives for our sake but not mature enough to decide what they put into their bodies? In college, some students are always going to drink-no matter what laws are placed against them, its a part of dealing with the insane pressures of trying to find who they are. So what becomes of them when they are thrown out of school? All those years of working hard to achieve their high school education and then be one of the decreasing few who go on to college, wasted-after one mistake? The government needs to decide what age they think is responsible and mature enough to be adults, and not decide you are an adult at different ages depending on the subject. Whether the legal age is 50 or 18, a consistent level of maturity should be decided and applied to all aspects of the United States government.

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