Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tom and Jerry with the id, ego, and super-ego

I have always heard of the id, ego, and super-ego, but never knew what it was. I remember my brother once trying to explain to me about Freud's ideas, but he did not succeed (more likely that I just didn't pay attention). When Ms. Hepp related Freud's ideas to the devil and angel that would stand on your shoulders when making a decision, I understood the id, ego, and super-ego completely. I never thought that a concept that I would learn in high school would be related to a simple cartoon, such as Tom and Jerry. Although I didn't watch that much Tom and Jerry, I would always remember the devil (id), having a squeaky voice but not speaking real worlds, would try to tempt Tom into doing whichever mischievous act he was about to do. Then the angel (super-ego) would always try to persuade Tom into not doing it, but he always went with the devil (id). After discussing about it more thoroughly, I realized that it is an universal concept that is almost impossible to disregard, so it would only be natural that it would show up in my childhood, like most ideas.

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